August 17, 2007

horses, cows, and corn

Iowa State Fair time!!

The three of us experienced our first Iowa State Fair last night.

There were sheep, pigs, clowns in cars, Clydesdale's, cows, very bright lights, and food on a stick- although Guthrie got to eat applesauce (and it wasn't on a stick). And also Barack Obama. Even he can't miss the Iowa State Fair!

Thank goodness Guthrie slept all the way there because she closed her eyes for about 30 seconds at one point in the evening. Apparently it was a very restful nap- or at least enough to get her through the rest of the evening.

Though Gus was a little intimidated by the animals she eventually loosened up enough to make her sign of approval "whooooooooooo whooooooooo" and said goodnight to the horses (waving). We had so much fun seeing the fair through brand new eyes.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

cutest baby ever.


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