June 23, 2007

mom hair

and i got a hair cut.

here's guthrie and i trying to take a picture of ourselves in the bathroom mirror.

sorry we're fuzzy! it's tough to hold a baby and try to take a picture of yourself.

so no more ponytails. and more product than you can shake a stick at, but at least i don't really have to brush it!


Aprille said...

I don't think it looks like "mom hair," at least not in a bad way. It looks cute and fresh and comfortable for summer. I hadn't noticed until this picture how you and Gus have such a similar hair color. Very cute!

Jen said...

I love the new hair! And Gus is awesome! It's been fun catching up on posts. Hope you guys are having a great summer! Got any plans this weekend? We're up for a trip to the pool, if Gus is game. :)


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