May 21, 2007

play dates

Guthrie's best friend (no, not the cat) is moving away at the end of the month. We're very sad, but it's a good family decision for Emma and Sierra, so we're supportive. Until then Sierra and I are having lots of playdates to make up for future lost time.

We've been waiting forever to be able to go to the park with the girls. Every time we get together it rains or is cold, but finally, last Friday we were able to get to the park! Yay!

Sierra and I met while we worked at Apple Tree and then Guthrie and Emma were born on the same day- about 8 hours apart. Emma was 6 weeks early, so Sierra and I were in labor together and didn't even know it. We were down the hall from each other.

It has been so much fun watching the girls grow and change these past months. Sierra and I have decided that if we combined Gus and Em we'd have a super genius baby. Emma with her two (working on three) teeth and ability to roll over all ways. Guthrie with her sitting up and "flying." I think we both hope that each girls' mad skills will rub off on the other one. They both like to scream, poke eyes and pull hair, and eat. They eat constantly.

So, we'll miss Sierra who is one of the most natural mothers I know and who helps me to take a step back and follow my instincts when I get all freaked out. And we'll miss Emma who, by everyone's standards, shouldn't have arrived as early as she did, but was so clearly ready for the world.

And we'll look forward to more playdates- even if we have to drive to Oskaloosa or meet somewhere in the middle. We are also looking
forward to the Cavalier-Sams family moving back to Iowa City. We're pretty sure you can't stay away from this fabulousness for long! :)

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