April 15, 2007

Much Excitement!

This is quite a week for our household.

As you can see Guthrie got a high chair! She's a big girl now and can sit at the table with us. She's not totally convinced that it's as awesome as we think it is, but she'll get on board... eventually. With the high chair came her first meal of oatmeal cereal. We were all equally thrilled she's able to move on to something other than rice cereal- which John tells me tastes like the paste he ate in grade school. I'll take him at his word. Oatmeal cereal tastes much better; at least in the realm of baby food. We're looking forward to celebrating her six month birthday with a bowl full of sweet potatoes.

Tomorrow Guthrie's Grammie Patty is arriving from Kenya to meet her first granddaughter! We're looking forward to a full week and John's brothers and sister-in-law will be coming at the end of the week. Guthrie's pretty excited about meeting her Grammie and Uncle Mike- at least she giggles every time we talk to her about it!

and we'll keep you posted- - the teeth they are a comin'. at least we hope so!

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