April 10, 2007

First Easter

Happy Easter!
We celebrated Gus' first Easter at my mom's house with her friend Loree who is in town for a few weeks. Loree and my mom made a yummy brunch while John and I played with Guthrie- because really, what else do we do?

After brunch Guthrie played on the floor with her new Easter stuffed animals. She more looked at them and tried to put them into her mouth, but that counts as playing at this stage. She's been doing this thing where she tries to body surf or swim or fly. When she's laying on her stomach she pulls her arms up and legs up so that just the trunk of her body is on the ground. She looks like a goof- I'll attach a picture.

Last week sometime Guthrie found out that she can scream even when she's not crying! Woo Hoo! It's pretty funny for about 2 minutes. Then it becomes slightly migraine-inducing. Apparently her cousin Teagan is pretty fond of this also. Her parents think she sounds like a dying bird. I think that's a pretty apt description. So, Guthrie was doing her dying bird impersonation while celebrating the fact that I bought some new batteries for her swing this morning. She's just sitting there in her swing screaming up a storm and trying to cover her head with her blanket. She's not so good at that last part yet. Oh well. That'll be another trick for another day.

The new swing batteries mean that Guthrie is taking a super long nap and I'm enjoying some peace and quiet while I take a break from work. I appreciate these kinds of afternoons when they happen!


John G said...

Uh, she sounds like the Penguin from the 60's Batman tv show.

Melissa said...

What a big girl you are turning into!!! Teagan body-surfs too - it's pretty funny - when you laugh, she does it more!


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