June 21, 2012

a pile of dirt

One of our favorite family stories is of when I was a little girl and my parents were doing some landscaping. They had a huge (to my eyes at least) pile of dirt delivered and it became the best backyard play space a kid could ask for. My trusty yellow dump truck and I spent hours and days digging.

Eventually the dirt was used for it's purpose and I was back to my regular yard.

The next gift giving holiday I asked for a pile of dirt. I didn't get it though and I was always disappointed.


Guthrie loves this story. Loves it.

Guess what she got me for my birthday?

A trunk full of dirt and mulch.

She is so thoughtful. We are so very lucky to have her.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I don't think I've ever heard that story. I do remember a story that involves you, me and Buffy and huge hills of dirt. You guys were living in Lacy and they were building an apartment complex down the street from the duplex you guys lived in. (It was a brown duplex) We begged and begged to go over there and play and finally my mom gave in. We spent a long time climbing the hills with Buffy and sliding down them. Boy did we get dirty but we had a ton of fun. I think even my mom was surprised how dirty we were. Not sure we were even allowed to sit anywhere until we'd showered haha!


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