There are tons of tutorials online so I won't even bore you with the details. I will say though that you should definitely try this at home. As a little Mother's Day present to myself I ordered some textile paints from Dharma Trading Co. and was so pleased with how soft they turned out on the fabric.
Guthrie chose a pattern straight from The Artful Parent's post about stenciling. I'll explain copyright to her when she's 4 ok? After some serious trepidation about getting paint on her hands she figured out a way to hold the sponge and did a great job!
Here's how hers turned out:
I'm sure there will be more to see as we spend some time at home waiting for dad to pass his kidney stone. Good times. :)
...guthrie - I am so proud of you-not for just your beautiful shirt that you made but that you got your hands and probably arms all icky, sticky and maybe stinky too!! Love you as much as the Mississippi is long...Dietah : )
Guthrie- Your shirt is just beautiful! If I bring a shirt when I come visit you, will you pick out a pattern for me and stencil it on my shirt for me? I would love it SO MUCH if you would like to do that for me! And do you know that when Jenni was your age she didn't like to get her hands dirty either? That's a fact! Love you, Auntie Teresa
Nothing wrong with not liking your hands getting dirty, I still don't like it all that much, but you learn sometimes you gotta get them dirty to have fun, and create such beautiful things as that shirt you made.
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