January 23, 2009

sushi here i come.

We got Guthrie some kid chopsticks for Christmas - they were in her stocking.

All of her plates, bowls, cups and cutlery are in a low cabinent so she can set her own spot at the table. Yeah, it's awesome. And then she cleans up after herself. I heart it.

So, she's been choosing the chopsticks for some time now and usually gets frustrated mid-meal and goes back for a fork or spoon. I know, sounds like she'll totally fit into our family, right?

Then something clicked.

We were having tofu stirfry and, fittingly, she conquered the chopsticks.
Tiny rice grain by tiny rice grain.

She was pretty pleased with herself.

and then this happened:


Teresa said...

Darn that gorgeous curly hair!! How frustrating was that?? That's great that she's mastering chopsticks, though - I never could, or I should say I didn't want to because I got too hungry in-between the teeny, tiny bites that I could manage to pick up and get all the way to my mouth!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

um WHAT your kid is using chopsticks! You are making everybody else look bad :) LOL

Aprille said...

This is unrelated to your adorable child and her chopstick adventures, though those made very enjoyable reading!

I remember you and John have/had a backpack carrier. Denny and Miles and I are taking a trip this summer when Miles will be around 17 months, and we're looking for a carrier that would work well for a kid that age. Did you use it when Gus was in the year-and-a-half zone? What brand do you have? Do you like it?

Thanks! Reply here or in my email or my blog or whatever.

Jun-Nicole Matsushita said...

Just in time for Chinese New Year. I love the concentration. Well done Guthrie.


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