October 11, 2014

one month, two month, three months old

This baby girl of ours! She is just the sweetest. Three months have passed since she made her entrance. And, if it's possible, we love her even more than when she arrived.

That first month, it really was full of sweetness. The five of us learned how to function with a newborn and spent so much time together. 

The second month, well, that one was a bit rougher, if I'm honest. You had a lot of tears that month and I got a little nervous you were taking after your sister a bit with the rough adjustment to the world, or you know colic. 
Life got back to normal with school and work and everyday life. No less sweet, but this mom got 
a bit of a rude awakening, or something. 

And now sweetness you are three months old and the days are just slipping by with you growing and changing every day. Your smiles are the best and your laughs and squeals, oh my goodness! Your brother and sister take such good care of you. They love to make you giggle. You are a flexible baby thankfully with easily dissuaded tears. As Guthrie says, I just love your little personality that's coming out every day!

Happy Three Month Birthday Juniper Leigh! 

1 comment:

Luci & Loree said...

Oh!!! My Goodness, what a total sweetie! AND such a grand smile!!! Can't wait to meet her!


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