December 31, 2012

2012. done.

Sorting through a year's worth of photos will make you all teary and want to wax eloquent, but there's supposed to be a party happening tonight- just the 4 of us. Fancy cups and maybe some hats. Definitely pajamas and movies. So, one photo for each month. The things that have been my every day, my normal and usual and also my amazing and defining.













I don't even know how to look back on this year. There were certainly many, many days of joy and laughter and adventure and love. There were also so many days of heartache and fear and sorrow and uncertainty. I think mainly this was a year of growth - at least for John and I. As individuals, as a couple, definitely as parents. I am so thankful we are ending the year on a good note. In a place of strength and love and possibly a little relief that we can close this year.

So long 2012 . . . 

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