We are still recovering from the big birthday weekend and so the birthday blog post will have to wait. Instead, today Guthrie and I had a very nice lowkey day of doing not much. I like it when I get an actual Wednesday off.
Guthrie's birthday kind of marks the beginning of the holiday season for our family. The birthday, three weeks later Thanksgiving, three weeks later John's birthday, 10 days later Christmas and then, if we've made it this far then we should just go ahead and celebrate New Years, after which it'll be about 6 or so weeks until our new addition arrives. To be on the safe side let's say 4 - 8 weeks. I can tell people are so frustrated when I say I'm due in 'February' when they're looking for an actual date, but really I'm not so worried about the date so it takes a minute for me to remember. On a busy day 'mid-February' is the best they're going to get.
So, we've got a doosie of a Season here this year. I think I'm gearing you up for the blogging being spotty for awhile. I can feel myself starting to slow down and after Guthrie's birthday I noticed was tired in a way I haven't been for quite awhile. And even though I'm exhausted I've gotten to that point in pregnancy where my hands are just itching to be busy with small projects. Good thing it's the Season :)

So one of the things that has been on my list for awhile is labeling Guthrie's winter stuff so she doesn't come home with random gloves or loses a hat. I got a roll of twill tape from the fabric store and a permanent fabric marker and wrote her last name 8,000 times on it. I'll sew the labels on the backs or insides of her stuff. As a bonus it'll create a little tag for her to use when she's hanging up stuff on hooks as apparently manufacturers of children's coats don't often think of such things. Except Hanna Anderson. We heart you Hanna Anderson - with your pre-made name label and sturdy coat hanger on the collar!!

Picked up some new yarn when I needed a break from work the other day. It'll turn into some Christmas presents for three little girls soon I think.

And always more yarn - a promised 'before the first snow, well, real snow' hat for John.

While I was taking pictures of this stuff our newest little photographer got on the bandwagon. She's so serious and has become quite the documentarian - demanding pictures of dinner before it gets eaten, coats before they are put on, lots and lots of daily life shots of mom and dad.
And finally my belly as a work in progress.

It's growing folks. By leaps and bounds. The girls at work are eyeing me with that, man she is going to get BIG look. And I eye them back and think, duh. So I'm about 25 weeks and at this point last time I was still looking like a toss up between being pregnant or having eaten a large pizza and an entire 6 pack for lunch.
I'm thinking it's pretty clear this time it's not pizza. I'm pretty thrilled that I'm still wearing my wedding rings with no problem- I think that has a lot to do with the weather though too. And really, overall I feel really good. I'm trying to relish this relatively comfortable phase of pregnancy. Some days it's easier than others. I'm frequently heard saying, 'ugh I need to stretch my hips, they're so sore' and John's frequently heard singing a stellar rendition of Shakira's My Hips Don't Lie.
Good times at our house :)
1 comment:
Well, it defintly, looks like a baby, NOW!!!
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