January 1, 2009


Yesterday I was putting up my Christmas present from John- a whole slew of family photos we'd had taken this summer all framed and beautiful! - and I got to nit picking. You know what I mean. Oh my, the gray hair, the baby belly, etc. etc. and it made me forget the wonder of having this record of our family. Of being able to look at these pictures and
know that that is exactly what our family is like.

The CD I was listening to pulled me back into the moment of beauty and out of my funk, or more precisely these lyrics:

'i fear my life will be over
and i will never have lived it unfettered ...
but now here's this tiny baby
and they say she looks just like me
and she is smiling at me
with that present/infant glee
and i would defend
to the ends of the earth
her perfect right to be'

so there's my New Years resolution - among other things - to be unfettered. To be more like my daughter who can so easily be so present in the moment. So utterly self conscious.
PS: In a few days this wall will look strikingly different. We are ready to put our thumbprint on our house - - or at least the hallway! Out with the mauve and in with the . . . !!!


Melissa said...

Very nice! I think they look great on the mauve (the light fixture is another issue of it's own!!!) I'm with you about looking at pictures and starting to be critical of myself - why is that????

darah said...

oh don't even get me started on the sconce. i'm going to try and see what i can do w/ it while i'm painting. it's so awful! and so texture painted!


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