December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Yeah, I'm a little late posting pics. This week has been a rush of, well, I'm not sure what. Recovering from the holidays I guess. Which is funny- they were pretty simple and low key, but then again, not a lot is simple when you've got a 2 year old! We are pretty worn down from all the prep though- the art projects, the making of presents, etc. I will say that this was pretty much the best Christmas ever. Definitely better than last year where Guthrie was so not enthralled with presents that we spent the morning unwrapping them for her. Guthrie had so much fun and now thinks that ho ho ho will be coming to our house weekly. We had a lot of thoughtful gifts this year. And a lot of handmade -- it was really nice. However, by far the most loved item were Bert and Ernie dolls from mom and dad. We totally hit a homerun with that one! Bert and Ernie go everywhere with us. They eat meals with us and are being potty trained just like Guthrie. She loves them to bits!

After a quiet, but pretty traditional Christmas morning our moms came over for Christmas dinner. It was nice to have everyone here. Each gathering reaffirms to me that we bought the right house for us.

Gus got a little wild- this was about 20 minutes before an exhausted meltdown. Can you tell?

Hope your holidays were lovely and full of peace and beauty!

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