December 27, 2007

Merry Merry

Merry Christmas!! A little belated, but still as sincere. We had a wonderful relaxing holiday. Christmas Eve afternoon was spent at Gramma Carol's opening gifts and have snacks. Then it was home to open up our Christmas pjs and open gifts between John and I. In case anyone is wondering- apparently after almost six years of marriage you get each other the same thing! And off to bed to await Santa.

Christmas morning was a melee of wrapping paper and toys. Guthrie had so much fun-- for the first 8 or 9 presents. Then she preferred we do the work for her and
unwrap the gift while she could just sit back and watch and then play with the opened toy. What a goof. She made out like a bandit and practically runs to her toy bins in the morning.

We never got out of our pjs. Well, Gus did, but the grown ups didn't. I made ham in my Christmas pjs.

Rock on. John and Guthrie enjoyed a two and a half hour nap and

I got to read and look at the Christmas tree and drink coffee. I think that might have been my favorite Christmas gift. That and the orange butter dish. Which rocks. And the Prince CD.

After dinner there was much playing and reading and just general enjoyment.

Yay Christmas!

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